Mphephu Mukovhe
Makhado FM
Mphephu Mukovhe is a 25-year-old media graduate. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Studies from the University of Venda in 2019. She is currently a science journalism intern for the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) hosted by Makhado FM in Limpopo. She hopes to learn more about science journalism and she has always wanted to be on radio and television.
Mphephu has a creative mind and is always up for new challenges. She likes to set goals, which she achieves. Mukovhe is grateful to join SAASTA’s internship programme and for the opportunity to share her knowledge and inform people about the importance of science and technology in her community in a language they speak and understand, namely Tshivenda.
She likes giving back to the community; she is part of a non-profit organisation which helps learners who are in need of school uniforms, bursaries and other support for their studies, to reduce dropout due to poverty. She is eager to be challenged in order to grow and further improve her media skills. Her greatest passion in life is using her skills to benefit other people. Mphephu believes mindfulness in the workplace is key to success.