Goitsemodimo Ditowe1
Goitsimodimo Tsholofelo Ditowe

Ikutani FM

Goitsimodimo Tsholofelo Ditowe has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Studies from the University of Venda. She is an aspiring film-maker. She is opinionated (perhaps too opinionated sometimes, she says), unorthodox, creative and enthusiastic about life. She is passionate about women’s issues, art, science and technology.

She hopes to one day create films that hold a mirror up to society and compel introspect change. She constantly questions, interrogates and explores issues relating to anything that has to do with humanity, Earth, the Universe and everything in between. She is fascinated by science and technology.

She fell in love with science and technology when she watched a film called “A.I” by Steven Spielberg back in the early 2000s. The technological ecosystem is moving at the speed of light and she is more than delighted to hitch this ride. She visited China in 2019, which ignited a fire within her, reminding her of her purpose which is to tell stories for the people by the people.

In 2021, she was one of a group of journalists from a number of countries in Africa who were a part of Journalists for Human Rights through its “Mobilizing Media on the Fight against Covid-19” project in partnership with Media Monitoring Africa and Sound Africa. She is happy that the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement has given her an opportunity to tell science and technology related stories in a manner and fashion that is inclusive to all the people of South Africa. She is currently being hosted by Ikutani FM in Kwaggafontein, Mpumalanga.