Name: Ms. Mmabatho Moloedi


Mmabatho Moloedi is the North West Provincial Coordinator for the organisation, Eskom Expo for Young Scientists. She has a background in education. Her passion for the promotion of STEMI started at school level where she used to expose her learners to as any STEMI competitions as possible. Working in an environment where she has to encourage young scientists to participate in STEMI competition has given her an understanding why her students used to excel in Science.

Mmabatho has 8 years teaching experience and for the past 16 years she has been based in the North West Province working closely with the North West Department of Education. In the 6 years she worked as a North West Provincial Manager for Mathematics Centre for Professional teachers, she has learnt the importance of interventions of reaching out to rural schools especially the deep unreachable schools within the province. Being the Provincial Coordinator in Eskom Expo for the past 10 years has given her the opportunity to works with all Education sub districts in the province and bring STEM opportunities to schools and learners from all walks of life.