The Science Centre Capacity Building (SCCB) Programme is one of a number of programmes managed by SAASTA on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology (DST).

The aim of the programme is to capacitate the South African science centre community to operate their centres effectively through a number of initiatives and means, including training.

2015 activities

Job Shadowing Programme: 29 June to 3 July 2015
Seven science centre staff members participated in the programme hosted by Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Newtown, Johannesburg. Participants used lessons learned at Sci-Bono to improve their centre’s future outreach and in-house programmes.

Train the Trainer: Africa Code Week: 30 May 2015
Africa Code Week is a continent-wide initiative implemented by an international team to promote coding (computer programming) to youth, using freely available software (

This initiative is endorsed by SAASTEC who encouraged science centres to participate in the “Train the Trainer” workshops during the Africa Code Week pilot event in 2015.


Thandamanzi Mtsweni
Call (0)11 551 5946